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Hello!   I'm Yinan Xiong!


I’m a CG Technical Artist, I have many years of Lighting TD / Compositing / Generalists experiences on commercials, feature animations or VR projects. Then, I have a few years of Tool Developer / Pipeline Developer experience with Python and Qt in VFX industry. I love any form of Art and Tech. I am expert at Lighting, Compositing, Look Development, I am also capable of modeling, texture, rigging, effects. On the technical side, I am good at tool writing, shader writing, frontend app design and development. I learned CG mathematically, know the underlying principle of CG, I used to write a renderer from the scratch, know how 2D image processing program run under the hood.

In the meanwhile, I worked as a web/graphic designer before. From UI/UX to Front-end development, I love Design and Code at the same time, enjoy to work on any project with a combination of them.

My thesis project "Mock-3D" is a combination of my two skill sets: CG and Web, take a look in my THESIS page.

I am always willing to explore new technologies and try different art styles and keep looking for a suitable career path for me. I feel what I will be doing in 20 years might not even exist right now, I keep my passion for all the possibilities.

Hello, I am Yinan^^.jpg

I am familiar with a variety of tools including :


3D tools:        

         Maya,  Unreal,  Unity,  Nuke,  Substance,  Quixel Mixer,  Cinema4D,  3Dmax,  Katana,  Mari,  Mudbox,  Zbrush,   Octane Standalone

Renderer includes: 

         Arnold, Renderman, MentalRay,  RedShift, Octane, V-Ray


2D, Web, and Time-based tools :        

         Photoshop,   Illustrator,  Aftereffects,  CorelDRAW,   Indesign,   Painter,   Flash,   Dreamweaver,   Premiere,  


Programming skill as below:


         C/C++,  Python,  PyQt,  OpenGL,   WebGL,  Mel,  GLSL,  Renderman Shading Language,   Html,   CSS,   JavaScript,   jQuery,   Actionscript,   SQL 


Hope you enjoy my work!






©  2 0 1 9   b y   Y I N A N   X I O N G

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